Saturday 20 June 2015

To YOLO or not to YOLO.....

What’s with the title is probably the first thing that has crossed your mind. Then you’re probably thinking I am not going to spend the next 5 minutes of my life reading a blog post about YOLO....

 Guess what? You don’t have to!!!! I only chose this title because I thought it was catchy but mostly because it is something that we’re all familiar with and something we can relate to like ‘carpe diem’.

You only live once so take risks and live life in the moment is the general message behind YOLO. And it is something great to live by (within the right context of course). However it leaves out the future. What about the future? Will it just take care of itself as we go about living life in the moment? Ummmmmmm I don’t think so at least this is what I discovered a few weeks ago. You need to invest in order to attain the future that you want.

I’m turning 25 in a month.... and I am nowhere close to where I thought I would be at 18. I keep wondering how did my parents do it? How did my parent’s friends and relatives achieve all that they had when they were 25? The answer is INVESTMENT!!!! This is not to say that they didn’t have their YOLO moments though.

 I learned that there are three key elements to investment and in order to achieve the success you want in life whether now or in the future, you need to make your own formula based on these three key elements. 

  So what are these three things? 


Stage 1: Youth

In this stage of life you have two  key elements of investment.
In youth you have abundant energy and time.  Invest both of these in order to find a way to make money. How? Create potential and be as productive as you can. Grab the right opportunities and learn as much you can. Gain skills and knowledge and add value to yourself. This is how you become indispensable.

Stage 2: Middle Age

At this stage in life you have energy and money.

Ideally you’re at the top of your game probably in mid/top management level in whatever career path you’ve chose.

This is the opportune time to make investments. Convert your salary by figuring out ways to make your money work for you.

Stage 3: Old Age

At this stage of life you have  money and time.
The key here is to invest these elements in order maintain your independence.


I hope you find this as helpful as I did.